How to Cancel HiLine Coffee

HiLine Coffee is also known as

  • Hiline Coffee Company

About HiLine Coffee

HiLine's mission is to provide the most recent Keurig and Nespresso pod alternatives. Actually, their origin story is one that we can all relate to. Gene Kakulin, co-founder of Nespresso, reached for his favorite Nespresso capsule one fateful New York morning in 2013, only to discover that they were all out! Gene, a resourceful New Yorker, took an empty capsule, filled it with his own ground coffee, wrapped it in tin foil, and brewed it in his Nespresso machine.

The resulting coffee was better and more aromatic than the Nespresso-brand capsules he was used to. Then Gene had his "aha!" moment. Why not build a business around offering new alternatives to brand-name capsule manufacturers? That's precisely what he did. HiLine Coffee Company, Inc. was founded the same year and has since grown to employ over a dozen people with an annual revenue of around $2 million. (This is less than half of what Keurig made in 2015, so we're dealing with a legitimate small business here.)

HiLine provides coffee pods that are freshly roasted before being shipped to you, making them one of the freshest, if not the freshest, Keurig- and Nespresso-compatible alternatives available. HiLine has rapidly expanded over the last five years, offering products other than pod coffees, and has positioned itself as one of the leading alternatives to Keurig and Nespresso pods. HiLine Coffee, in The Coffee Maven's opinion, is poised to continue their ascension.

HiLine's coffees are sourced from high altitude, small lot farms in Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. What does this imply? While science has yet to definitively answer the question, "Why is high altitude important when growing coffee?" the general consensus appears to be that higher altitudes mean lower temperatures, according to Dr. Shawn Steinman, who has a Ph.D in Coffee Science. Yes, such a thing exists.

Coffee grown at lower altitudes and in hotter climates has a more intense "this tastes like plain ol' coffee" flavor. Given that many of the best coffee growing regions are near the equator where it gets kinda hot! It stands to reason that cooler temperatures at higher elevations would result in more complex coffees with a variety of delicate flavors. Small-lot farms are the agricultural equivalent of shopping at a mom-and-pop store.

HiLine thus benefits the local economy while also obtaining a higher quality roast. However, because these small-lot farms lack the resources of their larger competitors, they lack organic certification. That doesn't mean the coffees aren't delicious or grown responsibly; it just means they don't bear the Certified Organic label. However, HiLine makes an effort to work with Fair Trade or Rainforest Alliance farms.

As stated in HiLine's origin story, the company was founded on the perceived need to improve the quality and freshness of pod coffee on the market. To that end, they've created a wide range of Nespresso-compatible capsules to suit all tastes. Furthermore, HiLine's roasts are fresher, and because the company is so picky when it comes to selecting partner farms that meet their high altitude, small lot criteria, HiLine capsules are less intense, more flavorful, and more complex. The company offers fresher and higher-quality roasts for both Keurig 1.0 and Keurig 2.0 machines, similar to the write-up on HiLine's Nespresso-compatible pods.

HiLine pods work with both the original Keurig and the Keurig 2.0 machines. This means that if you have a Keurig model from the K200, K300, K400, or K500 line, HiLine's pods will work with the pod scanning technology in your machine. HiLine offers 12 different Keurig brewer varieties. HiLine pods are approximately $1.10 per pod. K-cups for Keurig 2.0 brewers cost around $0.70 per pod.

HiLine pods cost about $0.40 more per pod, or $146 more per year. That is the inverse of what customers saw with HiLine's Nespresso-compatible capsules in terms of cost. So, what makes HiLine's Keurig-compatible pods so appealing? Preference. My favorite roasts are medium, and HiLine's East Village roast is absolutely delicious. It's probably one of the top three K-cup roasts customers say they have ever had. Still, the additional cost of HiLine's pods is difficult to swallow. At $146 per year, that's the equivalent of purchasing a new Keurig machine every 12 months! It is highly recommended for those who want single origin, small lot roasts and want to support a small company like HiLine. However, if the additional cost does not fit your budget, that is entirely understandable.

HiLine's whole bean coffees are sourced from El Salvador and New Guinea, as opposed to Nespresso and Keurig alternatives. All of these roasts, including the Union Square dark roast, are exceptionally smooth, which is typical of coffee grown in those regions. "Low key" is a great way to describe all three roasts below, and the tasting notes show that nothing here will be overpowering. HiLine's strict requirements, high altitude, small lot and allow them to deliver high quality at a low cost. The first two roasts are around $16 per pound, and the organic is around $18.

Are you ready for something new? HiLine's ground coffee comes in single serve packs that are individually wrapped! One of these packs is depicted in the accompanying image. Why is HiLine's coffee packaged in this manner? Freshness. Remember the company's mission statement from the beginning: to provide the most up-to-date alternatives to Keurig and Nespresso pods. The Nespresso and Keurig parts don't apply here (unless you use a reusable pod), but the freshness does.

When coffee is exposed to oxygen, the oils oxidize and become rancid. The exact shelf life of coffee is debatable, but some claim that you can detect a noticeable decline in flavor in as little as 15 minutes! The point is, it's always best to grind your coffee beans right before using them. That is not possible with ground coffee, so the next best thing is to do what HiLine has done here. Yes, it's not ideal for the environment – that's a lot of extra plastic but the cost of individually packing their coffee packs isn't prohibitively expensive for the customer. These ground coffees cost around $14 per pound.

HiLine offers individually packed ground coffee packs for use in cold brew coffee, similar to their ground coffee above. Each order includes 4 packs, which equals 12 8 oz servings. That works out to $12 for 96 oz of cold brew, or $2.00 per 16 oz – the size of a Starbucks grande cold brew. I'm currently sitting in a hotel lobby next to a Starbucks, and their grande cold brew costs $4.65. That's a savings of $2.50 per serving! Although whole bean or ground coffee is still less expensive, cold brew packs are more convenient and fresh.


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Phone (Live Agent)

Follow these steps:

  1. Create an email and provide your account information within the email
  2. Tell the representative that you'd like to cancel
  3. Ask the representative for a receipt, email, or confirmation number in reply
  4. Shoot the email to [email protected]
  5. It's important to keep the info about your cancellation, just in case!

MORE ABOUT HiLine Coffee

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Address 2 576 Fifth Ave, STE 903
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