Cash Unclaimed offers access to many various databases that show money is waiting or ready to be picked up at various government and non-government institutions in the United States. Your subscription to Cash Unclaimed does not guarantee that you’ll find your name listed in their database or have access to any money, but it will allow you to search the databases that they offer. Need to cancel? Read below!
Get together this information:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Username
- Password
- Billing Address
- City
- State/Province/Region
- ZIP/Postal Code
- Country
- Reason for Cancellation
- Last 4 Digits of Card
- Date of Last Charge
- Amount of Last Charge
To cancel by E-Mail:
- Create an email and include your account information
- Tell the representative that you’d like to cancel
- Ask the representative for a receipt, email, or confirmation number
- Shoot the email to [email protected]
- Wait for a confirmation email, if you don’t receive one, try again!