Doesn’t it suck when a company won’t just give you a big fat button on their website that says,
“Stop charging me!”
Unfortunately for us consumers, many companies optimize for their customer retention rates rather than customer satisfaction — especially when it comes to their customers leaving for greener pastures.
It’s for this reason I am creating How Do I Cancel My (EDIT 2012: or as fans now like to call it, HDICM). Instead of searching throughout the net to find out how to stop paying monthly fees from Planet Fitness, Comcast, Netflix, Gold’s, LinkedIn Premium, etc., I hope people will find this site first.
Here, I have one simple goal: answer the question — no B.S. — How Do I Cancel my Account?
If I am succeeding, help me spread the word. “Like” the pages that you find to be the most helpful, and comment with suggestions of alternative services for our scorned brethren.